With Ganesh Chaturthi on the horizon, the call for eco-friendly celebrations is becoming louder. Leading the charge are influential figures like Salman Khan, Amruta Fadnavis, and Abhay Bhutada, who are advocating for sustainable practices during the festivities. Their efforts were showcased at the Bacche Bole Morya event, a significant initiative by Amruta Fadnavis' Divyaj Foundation, which has caught the attention of many.
Abhay Bhutada’s Commitment to Environmental Responsibility
Philanthropist Abhay Bhutada, who serves as the Founder and Chairman of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, was a prominent supporter of the Bacche Bole Morya event. Bhutada is widely recognized for his dedication to social causes and sustainable development. His involvement in the event underscores his belief that cultural celebrations should align with eco-friendly practices.
The Abhay Bhutada Foundation is deeply involved in various initiatives that promote sustainability and education, making his support for the event a natural fit. Bhutada’s advocacy for eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi reflects his broader commitment to environmental responsibility.
Salman Khan Advocates for Sustainable Ganesha Idols
Held on August 28 at the Dome SVP Stadium in Worli, Mumbai, the Bacche Bole Morya event was more than just a celebration—it was a platform for promoting environmental awareness. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan delivered a compelling message, urging attendees to choose terracotta and other eco-friendly materials for their Ganesha idols. His call to action resonated strongly with the audience, particularly the children, who were inspired by his message to embrace sustainable practices.
Salman Khan’s appeal was met with enthusiastic support, as the crowd applauded his call to set an example by using earth-friendly materials for their Ganeshas this year.
Amruta Fadnavis: Leading the Way in Environmental Advocacy
Amruta Fadnavis, a well-known banker, singer, and social activist, has long been a champion of environmental causes through her Divyaj Foundation. At the Bacche Bole Morya event, she lent her strong support to the eco-friendly message delivered by Salman Khan, reflecting her deep commitment to sustainability.
In her speech, Fadnavis emphasized the importance of teaching children about sustainability from an early age. "By educating our children on environmental responsibility, we are shaping the future generation of caretakers for our planet," she remarked.
A Celebration That Marries Culture with Sustainability
The Bacche Bole Morya event was a lively celebration that beautifully combined cultural elements with a powerful environmental message. The event featured performances by renowned singers Sonu Nigam and Kailash Kher, whose music added a festive note while reinforcing the importance of sustainability.
The event was attended by several dignitaries, including Sonali Bendre, Bhushan Gagrani, BMC Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar, and Police Commissioner Deven Bharti. Their presence highlighted the collective effort needed to promote eco-friendly celebrations.
Looking Ahead to a Sustainable Ganesh Chaturthi
The Bacche Bole Morya event concluded with a clear message: sustainability is not just a choice, but a necessity. With influential figures like Salman Khan, Amruta Fadnavis, and Abhay Bhutada leading the way, there is optimism that more people will adopt eco-friendly practices during Ganesh Chaturthi and beyond.
To continue this momentum, Amruta Fadnavis and the Divyaj Foundation have organized a beach clean-up at Versova Beach following the Ganpati Visarjan on September 18, 2024. This initiative further underscores their commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of cultural celebrations.
As Ganesh Chaturthi approaches, let’s embrace the message delivered by these leaders: we can honor our traditions while making sustainable choices that protect our planet.