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Writer's pictureGajodhar Sharma

Abhay Bhutada Spotlights NBFCs' Crucial Role in MSME Financing

In the evolving landscape of business financing, the spotlight is shifting from traditional banking institutions to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), spearheading a revolution in Micro, Medium, and Small Enterprises (MSMEs) financing. Abhay Bhutada, Poonawalla Fincorp’s MD, sheds light on the transformative impact NBFCs are making in overcoming obstacles faced by MSMEs.

Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp

The Changing Dynamics of MSME Financing

For years, commercial banks have been the primary players in lending, including to MSMEs. However, the needs of modern-day MSMEs have outgrown the constraints of traditional lending practices. These emerging businesses demand quick loan disbursals, flexible repayment options, and non-collateralized loans, which the conventional banking sector struggles to provide.

Despite the changing landscape, the lending industry in India is grappling with challenges such as limited access to finance, stringent scrutiny by traditional lenders, and a lack of collateral. This has led to a staggering credit gap, with only 14% of the 64 million MSMEs in India having access to credit. The current credit gap is a daunting $530 billion, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue considering the significant role MSMEs play in the country's GDP and economic growth.

NBFCs: Bridging the Credit Gap

In this scenario, NBFCs are emerging as key players in bridging the credit gap for MSMEs, offering unique and technology-driven financial solutions. Abhay Bhutada emphasizes the strengths of NBFCs over traditional lending institutions, noting that their specialized focus allows them to serve the last-mile population that often gets excluded by banks. With a broader regulatory framework, NBFCs operate in diverse activities and innovations, reaching consumer categories underserved by traditional banks.

Strengths of NBFCs Over Traditional Lending Institutions

Traditional lending practices of banks often require collateral and a proven credit history, excluding many MSMEs from the lending ecosystem. NBFCs specialize in catering to the last-mile population, offering tailored financial services with a better understanding of their needs. Due to a more flexible regulatory framework, NBFCs exhibit greater risk-taking ability, expanding their services to consumer categories often overlooked by traditional banks.

Bridging the Lending Gap for MSMEs

Specialized NBFCs employ strategic thinking to cater to their segmented customer base, providing tailor-made products, efficient distribution channels, and advanced risk evaluation procedures. Machine learning and data analytics enable them to personalize product offerings, including business loans, quick loans, and supply chain financing. Moreover, co-lending models involving traditional banks and NBFCs enhance the flow of credit to priority sectors, benefiting from NBFCs' versatile business models and lower funding costs.

NBFCs and Digital SME Lending

Digital NBFCs leverage technology to make credit more accessible to underserved customers in India. By utilizing alternate data sets and innovative credit underwriting approaches, they offer customized products with faster turnaround times, making them an ideal option for MSME borrowers. Ecosystem-based lending, facilitated by partnerships with digital platforms like Amazon and Google Pay, allows digital NBFCs to leverage available information about MSMEs and offer tailored lending solutions.

The Way Forward for NBFCs in MSME Financing

To address the credit gap in the MSME sector, a dynamic multi-channel approach, backed by digital innovation and vernacular access, is imperative. While NBFCs are leveraging their extensive network and technology to make last-mile borrowing more accessible, continuous efforts are needed to close the credit gap further. Expanding their footprint, identifying additional gaps in lending, curating better products, and refining technology are crucial steps NBFCs must take to ensure the best lending experience for the MSME sector.

Summing Up

Abhay Bhutada's insights shed light on the transformative role NBFCs are playing in MSME financing. Their strengths, innovative approaches, and digital initiatives are pivotal in addressing the credit gap and ensuring the sustained growth of the MSME sector in India.

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